bot Electric and Hybrid Van Lease Deals | Electric Vehicle Contracts

Electric and Hybrid Van Lease Deals

We have the widest range of electric and hybrid van lease deals. We can supply any electric, hybrid or plug-in van to sole traders, partnerships, organisations and businesses. With free UK delivery and all year round discounts, you won't find a better deal than us.

With a huge range of stock vehicles for you to choose from, we can deliver a green van in a very short timeframe to keep your business running or we can order a van direct from the factory - to your exact specs. We can fit any aftermarket accessories, including ply-lining, additional security locks and roof ladders so your van will be ready to go as soon as it is delivered. Any specialist equipment you require, we can fit it.

We have experts in-house that are there to understand the intricacies of your business and offer you impartial advice on your van leasing. With our dedicated fleet management services, we can help you maximise your fleet efficiency whilst reducing your costs.

Switching to a green van can help your business save money, and reduce the environmental burdens of your enterprise. Whilst this not only looks good to your customers, it can give you peace of mind knowing you're doing everything you can to help the environment. 

All our contract hire agreements are completely flexible to suit your needs. Simply chose how long you would like the contract for, your upfront rental, mileage and if you'd like maintenance. All our plug-in, hybrid and electric van leasing deals are available with a full maintenance package meaning your fleet is always on the road. In business, breakdowns cost money. Our maintenance contracts ensure your electric or hybrid van is in top working order.

So get in touch today and see how electric vehicle contracts can help your business save money on its vehicles.


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